Dragon Nest Patch Download Freezes

version: v.1.01

Paraworld Patch 1.01 Change Log

It starts but won't complete. The message I get is 'Patch failed' I've never had trouble downloading patches before. And nothing has changed in terms of anti virus settings on my pc. #Dragon Nest #Dragon Nest Mods #Body Mods #Lencea Mods 5 notes chubby-bun: Hi, i saw your thread on the dnmods board with all the voice paks and i was super happy! I tried eu dragon nest and steam dragon nest and na dragon nest and they all have invisible text which makes the game unplayable. I would love to have a Complete working file to download or all the patches i could download for NA dragon nest.

- The snare trap crash in campaign level 5 is fixed.

- The proxy server address which used to run on port 2222 was changed due to compatability problems with some anti-virus programmes.

Dragon Nest is available on various servers, with each servers serving a particular region. Dragon Nest Servers. Eyedentity's Server ( North America ) CherryCredits's Server ( SEA ) Europe Server. Korean Server. Japanese Server. Chinese Server. Skill Calculator (Heroku)(All Regions) Just hit level 93 guide. Leveling guide. Dragon Nest - Game infomation update. While Dragon Nest adds a persistent-world experience, it retains the unique characteristics of the original game, including strong narrative, extensive instanced gameplay, anti-grind design philosophy, and strong support for competitive play. DN SEA Game Patch - Sea Dragon Update On 4 June [2012-05-17. Dragon Nest SEA Problem Solutions List by Choseal. Hi there, I know there are already 1 or 2 “read me first” or “bug list” topics, but I feel like they are either not complete or could have been a lot more detailed.

- Epoch progress is now visible both in the replays and to Spectator watching the game.

- Unit access to Bunkers has been improved.

- Tooltips for level 2 units in the Army controller now function after sorting.

- The Poisoner now runs through the poisoning animation when he kills himself.

- The bug which sometimes led to the left wall section being removed when a gate was torn down has been fixed.

- Resurrection of Dustriders could be abused with the help of allied players; this was repaired.

- The problem with system messages closing the Dustrider infantry construction menu has been fixed.

- The calculation of projectile trajectories has been corrected.

- Falling Stones are now only triggered once construction of the wall in question has been completed.

- A bug allowing units to run through any wall built right in front of the building's exit has been corrected.

- Fixed a bug which caused some characters in Quotes.txt to be displayed incorrectly.

- Freezing now has a visible effect.

- Building rotation speed has been doubled.

- The Parasaurolophus and Seismosaurus Gatling units now automatically target and fire upon enemies if no manual attack commands have been issued.

- Animal death animations now display properly.

- Forests can now once again be harvested after restarting/loading during a running game.

- Jungle Faketrees have been made larger and no longer ignore the range of view.

- Titan selection is now more precise.


- Poison effects are now visually recognizable.

- Characters loceated near to buildings may now be selected using a double-click.

- Construction speed increase is no longer limited to 10 Workers.

- Fixed an error which caused the Allosaurus' armour to disappear as soon as the 'Allosaurus Scrunch' was researched.

- Incorrect Tree values which prevented Collectors from harvesting trees have been corrected.

- The Load screen now deletes correctly when the server connection is lost.

- Spectator are no longer able to change Player grouping assignments.

- Spectator are no longer able to chat with other Players.

- Spectator can now leave a game in progress using the 'Abandon game' function.

- Spectator can no longer pause a game.

- Each unit can now only be resurrected by a single Shaman, as multiple simultaneous resurrections led to the creation of 'virtual' units which served no function yet still occupied a slot in the Army controller.

- Buildings can no longer be frozen, as this also prevented unit construction.

- The animals used for the Shaman ability 'Camouflage' can now be assigned individually for each map as some maps do not use the standard animals.

- Shamans now automatically lose their camouflage as soon as they cast 'Resurrect', 'Termites' or 'Tornado'.

- Berserkers can no longer be controlled using the 'Defensive', 'Aggressive' and 'Hold position' commands.

- River shaders were added to rivers in the Icewastes and the Jungle.

- The Arch Druid no longer attempts to perform his non-existent finishing move. This had led to errors in enemy unit animation.

- Whenever a player uses random choice to determine their tribe in multiplayer mode the other players will see the message 'predefined deck'.

- The Dragon Clan 'Mortar' unit now only does 15% damage to Infantry and Animal units.

- Stina's armour value against Animal attacks has been raised from 50 to 75 to allow her to block enemy Animal units more effectively.

- The Governor's Special move now takes 10 seconds longer to recharge and only causes damage within a 6 instead of 7 meter radius, as he was previously capable of destroying too many units in too short a time period.

- The Jetpack Axe Warrior Special move now only requires 17 seconds to recharge; disruptive tactics are now possible.

- The Dragon Clan 'Saltasaurus Transporter' unit now has an attack frequency of 30 to 35 attacks per minute as it's damage rate was too high.

- The duration of effect of doping the Dragon Clan unit 'Saltasaurus Transporter' has been shortened from 10 to 7 seconds.

- Construction time for the Dustrider Temple has been increased from 30 to 45 seconds.

- Workers generally cause less damage.

- The Rhino Transporter now takes 40 seconds to build instead of 35 and costs 50 Food and 20 Wood more.

- Trigger update for single player level 15.

- Stone outcroppings are now spread more evenly across the 'Autumn Battlefield' map.

- Stone outcroppings are now spread more evenly across the 'Ice River' map.

Dragon Nest Patch Download Freezes Free

- Stone outcroppings are now spread more evenly across the 'Ajuba City' map.

- The river shaders have been fixed.

- All tribes: the Eusmilus Rider Armour has been increased from 0 to 20 against ranged attack and decreased from 30 to 0 in close combat.

- Norsemen: Rhino Transporter damage to buildings has been decreased from 100% to 50%.

- Norsemen: Rhino Transporter no longer does armour-piercing damage.

Dragon Nest 2

- Norsemen: the Lancer ranged-weapon armour has benn increased from 0 to 20.

- Norsemen Chariot: Skulls at level 2 decreased from 23 to 17.

- Norsemen: Ram construction time shortened from 35 to 25 seconds.

- Norsemen: Kennel Eusmilus: skulls decreased to 10.

- Dustrider: Brachio Transporter damage to buildings has been decreased from 100% to 50%.

- Dustrider: Raptor handler costs have decreased from 60 to 50 Food.

- Dustrider: Taslow Tower range decreased from 65 to 60.

- Dragon Clan: Salta Transporter damage to buildings has been decreased from 100% to 50%.

- Dragon Clan: Gatling riders can now simultaneously run and shoot.

- Dragon Clan: Poison Trap: Skulls decreased from 30 to 20.

- Dragon Clan: Dilophosaurus in Nest: Skulls decreased from 10 to 7.

- Fixed crash which occured when a transporter was converted while in battle.

- Icons in the Pyramid once again blink when the Unit concerned is attacked.

- Transporters can once again be promoted independent of their cargo.

- Captain initialization for the Brachio transporter was fixed to avoid a crash.

- 'GameSpy shared socket' has been assigned to instead of the first local IP.

- Units attacking a visible trap no longer take damage from it.

- Norsemen: Rhino Transporters could not be countered, so their speed has been reduced from 3 to 2.

- Once a slot has been defined as 'Blocked' in the LE the map can be leveled up and thereafter not leveled back down.

Dragon Nest Patch Download Freezes 2017

- The flat Northland River plane had a misplaced centerpoint, causing it to blend out too early when viewed from a particular direction. This has been fixed.

- Taslow's Level 2 construction bonus was too high and hsa been reduced correspondingly.

- On Cold Blood it was possible to bypass an enemy wall by means of a non-blocking cliff; this has been fixed.

- A number of orthographical mistakes have been corrected.

- The warehouses were using the wrong rate of exchange when trading Skulls for Stone. This has been fixed.


- Dragon Clan water mines did not explode once the enemy changed his stance to 'neutral'. This has been corrected.

- The space bar no longers hangs up any of the menu buttons.

- Dustriders: The Shaman's Termites now earn him Skulls when they destroy a building.

- Norsemen: Fixed the bug which caused the Mammoth Trumpet to sound continuously.

- Fixed a bug in the single-player Save/Load routine which prevented the quest trigger from functioning after loading a game.

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7 days

ParaWorld - v.1.01patch86.7 MB10/23/20066.5K18
ParaWorld - SDK v.1amod12.5 MB9/25/20065.5K13
ParaWorld - SPdemo1256.5 MB10/11/20063.7K10
ParaWorld - MPdemo887 MB8/18/20064.7K10