Windows 98 Shutdown Patch Download

Windows 98 > Troubleshooting Windows 98. Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown Problems By. Microsoft has released a Shutdown Supplement to combat Windows 98 Second Edition Shutdown problems. Download the Intel utility found at the this Intel Web site. This utility determines if the MTH chip exists in the computer. Microsoft Windows 98 Se Update: Shutdown Issues With Windows. In 1998, Microsoft said that there would be no version of Windows 9x after Windows 98 In May 1999, however, Microsoft released Windows 98 Second Edition,. Windows 98 (codenamed Memphis) is a graphical operating system by Microsoft.

  1. Windows 98 Shutdown Sound
Windows 98 Shutdown Patch DownloadWindows

Windows 98 Shutdown Sound

It seems as though every other day or so, if I look at my start button, there is a flag and note 'Download updates and shutdown'. Sometimes I'd like to know what the updates are, most times I'm not particularly excited about shutting down. When I click, it always says something like 'Updating, do not shut down or unplug. Downloading 1 of 21 updates.... etc'. It seems like its always 21 updates, several times a week. Can there actually be that many updates? Why always 21? Is it always the same 21, but there is actually a failure midstream and really didn't take the update last time? I'm on Build 6, SP2, Vista. Is there somewhere I can go to see these updates in a dated list so I can verify that they are actually downloading and installing?
On control panel/security/windows update/view update history, the list shows dozens and dozens of attempted updates, mostly successful before mid-December '09, and almost exclusively failures after then, all with error code 80070490.
On there is a long and painful list of things to do to repair the update engine, or reinstall Vista. I really don't want to do either, this is my work computer, don't want a lot of downtime.