Transport Fever Usability Patch Download

Transport Fever

Usability patch announced. We are incredibly happy that Transport Fever was received so well and that the game is still very popular on Steam and similar platforms. Every day thousands of players enjoy the game, and several new mods are added daily to the Steam Workshop. Transport Fever Build 11807 Trainer +1 Options: Inf.Money; Click to expand. Hi, Big thank for your job! Devil2K New Member. Nov 9, 2016 #9. Joined Sep 22, 2015 Messages 3 Likes 0. Nov 9, 2016 #9. Possible to add less money in future updates? Majk133 Active Member. Nov 9, 2016 #10. Joined Apr 16, 2015 Messages 36 Likes 9. Let's Play Transport Fever! Transport Fever playlist: In this episode we take a look at the Usability Patch that is now available in the beta branch of the game.

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From Germany
Release notes:
- Added replace-vehicles-now feature in line and vehicle window
- Added double slip switches
- Added track speed layer
- Added street traffic layer
- Added zoom-to-cursor option
- Added names for persons
- Added vehicle cargo weight simulation (applies in new games only)
- Added Italian, Portuguese and Ukrainian translations
- Added map seed text to savegame and console
- Added camera recording tool (debug mode only)
- Added debug mode switch to settings menu
- Added menu option for hardware cursor
- Added base config setting to earn achievements with mods enabled
- Added speedLimit parameter for lane lists (modding)
- Added terminal connectivity test to verify constructions (modding)
- Added 'catenaryPoleDistance' setting to track type config (modding)
- Added 'getGameDifficulty' to scripting interface (modding)
- Added logos for all vehicles (content)
- Added level of detail models for all vehicles (content)
- Improved savegame loading time
- Improved RAM consumption
- Improved general performance
- Improved line window (stop list, load mode, vehicles and replacement tab)
- Improved vehicle window (send to depots and sell, details tab, replace now)
- Improved line manager (icons, tooltips)
- Improved line assign pop up (new line button on top, show visible lines only)
- Improved traffic simulation (player road vehicles have more priority)
- Improved person/vehicle interaction
- Improved music volume (lower volume possible)
- Improved camera panning (perspective panning)
- Improved translations (some text was not translated)
- Improved aircraft movement (smaller turn radius etc.)
- Improved aircraft approach/landing and air traffic control
- Improved balancing in some missions
- Improved cargo sorting for data tables
- Improved map generation when 'makeInitialStreets' is false
- Improved GUI scrolling: handle arrow keys, page up/down, home/end
- Improved Lua error handling
- Improved stability on Mac computers
- Fixed train brake bug
- Fixed late game mid-month lags
- Fixed train driving through other train after automatic vehicle replacement
- Fixed production behavior of industries with multiple output products
- Fixed street upgrade crash (occurred with some mods with through-streets)
- Fixed achievements not earned after mission complete
- Fixed delay when vehicle 100% loaded
- Fixed multi-cargo load/unload delay bug
- Fixed language error aircrafts to aircraft
- Fixed age not reset on vehicle clone
- Fixed credits button not clickable bug
- Fixed station table sort/filter by cargo
- Fixed streets blocking industries in map generation
- Fixed wrong resolution bug on Mac computers
- Fixed Steam overlay on Mac computers
- Fixed Ctrl-Tab on Mac computers
- Fixed Alt-Enter on Mac computers
- Fixed platform orientation of modern rail station (content)
- Fixed rail stone bridge gaps between pillars and railing (content)
- Fixed modern bus/tram station catenary and lanes (content)
- Fixed lowest level of detail model of characters (content)
- Fixed vehicle models details of ge_p42_dc, br_e94 and Nohab (content)
- Fixed train car door sounds (content)
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From United Kingdom
Haha, ich habe gerade auf davon gelesen und gewundert wann der hierher kommt :)
Download Es gibt einen neuen Beta-Patch mit:

Added “maxTownSize” as a base config parameter to limit maximal town size
Das ist super!
Post edited March 30, 2017 by disi
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From Germany
disi: Haha, ich habe gerade auf davon gelesen und gewundert wann der hierher kommt :)
Jetzt muss GOG nur noch die neue Version veröffentlichen. Ich will ZOCKEN. ;-)
TodaysLoneWolf Sorry, data for given user is currently unavailable. Please, try again later. View profileView wishlistStart conversationInvite to friendsInvite to friendsAccept invitationAccept invitationPending invitation...User since {{ user.formattedDateUserJoined }} Friends since {{ user.formattedDateUserFriended }} Unblock chat User blocked This user's wishlist is not public.You can't chat with this user due to their or your privacy settings.You can't chat with this user because you have blocked him.You can't invite this user because you have blocked him.
From United States
VERY nice. I expected a couple of fixes here and there (emphasis on 'a couple' for the game but nothing of THIS level. And quite a few of these fixes I desperately need as my iMac (a quad-core Haswell with 16GBs of RAM and 4GBs of discrete VRAM) would experience massive memory drains once my simulation hit around 2050. Since then, there would be two pauses (one long and one short, back-to-back) in the middle of each month. Ghost trains have also appeared and would sit at stations while other trains ran straight through the models; I would have to manually click on them to choose the 'send to depot' button and then immediate click the 'reassign to line' to accept passengers/freight again.
Having Control-Tab is good as well as I can switch back and forth from iTunes, Crunchyroll and the simulation in windowed mode (choosing full-screen mode locks you into the game until you quit to desktop). The fix for AI traffic is appreciated too, as since day 1 I hated watching my transit vehicles wait while the AI vehicles constantly butted into traffic.
The biggest complaint I've had since the original game was the 'once you choose one of the in-game mods, you could potentially never earn achievements again even when you create a new file' bug. And I don't mean mods from the fan sites; I mean the in-game mods provided. Personal example: why should I be penalized with no achievements regardless of game file if I don't want the time limit for PCC air car (real-life 1941 tram) and electric cars (real-life 1947 tram) to expire? In Pennsylvania (my home town) we kept and rebuilt 18 of them, and San Francisco bought up, rebuilt and are still using most of the rest. Yes, I could go into the .lua script files and change them manually (and I do!), but gamers shouldn't be saddled with a penalty that affects ALL svae files.
I could go on, but I'm glad to see an update of this caliber hit, especially on GOG as despite the lack of Workshop I really like playing the GOG verson of the Fever games. I don't even mind the 6+ GB download.
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From United Kingdom
Yeah, soon (23/02/2017):

In einem nächsten Schritt werden wir bald einen grösseren Usability-Patch veröffentlichen.
Yesterday evening or this morning it was released as stable on Steam.
For some users it seems to crash the game?
Transport Fever Usability Patch Download Some mods will not work any more or there are missing textures.
Post edited March 31, 2017 by disi
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From Norway
When will it be possible to download the updated version without GoG Galaxy? Can't use Galaxy since I'm on linux.
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From Germany
Ich verstehe es auch nicht, dass die GOGler so lange warten müssen, damit sie die aktuellste Version downloaden können. Bei einem Game hat es sogar zwei Wochen gedauert.
I also do not understand that the GOGs have to wait so long to download the latest version. In a game it took two weeks.
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From United Kingdom
Ulf2016: Ich verstehe es auch nicht, dass die GOGler so lange warten müssen, damit sie die aktuellste Version downloaden können. Bei einem Game hat es sogar zwei Wochen gedauert.
I also do not understand that the GOGs have to wait so long to download the latest version. In a game it took two weeks.
Translated with Google
Ich will das hier nochmal anmerken, es gab Patches in der Vergangenheit die Savegames zerstoert hatten.
Tage oder Wochen sind eigentlich egal, schlimmer waere wenn Patches hier garnicht erscheinen und Spiele nur noch als Beta auf Steam existieren.
Das ganze InDev ist daran Schuld, einige Unternehmen machen dort mit halbfertigen Spielen ihren Gewinn.
Bei TransportFever muss man sich aber nicht sorgen, die kuemmern sich normal. Der Release ist ja schon einige Zeit hin und dann nochmal so ein grosser Patch mit zusaetzlichen Funktionen.
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From United Kingdom
Post edited April 03, 2017 by disi
This is my favourite topic
Transport Fever

Almost like the Civilization version of a transport simulator, Transport Fever starts players in the year 1850 - the dawning of modern transportation. You're tasked with taking hold of a thriving transport company and connecting major potential trade-routes to add to your fortune. Patch notes can get big very quickly, so we're going to document them down below in one easy-to-reach page.

Transport Fever fans have been waiting for this Gameplay Patch, but it's finally been released by Urban Games and it comes with lots of fixes and changes that have been requested by the community. Full Patch Notes have been added below, along with past additions.


Transport Fever Usability Patch Download

  • Non-disappearing people and cargo when upgrading streets or stations
  • An option to explicitly select a line’s track/terminal at stations
  • Less collision problems thanks to much better terrain alignment handling
  • An upgrade to ships so that they can carry more than one type of cargo
  • Tunnels actually cut the terrain so that you can see through
  • Waypoints for street vehicles
  • Unload only feature for vehicles
  • Colored vehicle icons in the line manager
  • Confirmation dialog when bulldozing large structures
  • Line break feature for construction parameter windows
  • Many additional improvements, bug fixes and new modding options…
  • There's a whole lot of fixes here. Part of the broader 'usability patch', this one is focused on just making the game perform as you'd expect. Good!


    • Fixed rare crash when industry upgrades (during campaign missions)
    • Fixed rare crash when selecting vehicles tab in line window
    • Fixed rare crash when removing stops from a line
    • Fixed keyboard scrolling in 'Buy vehicles' dialog
    • Fixed construction parameter list not scrollable
    • Fixed medal 'Large crowds' in USA mission 04
    • Improved French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Protuguese translations

    Three keywords are associated with this patch; Added, Improved and Fixed. As we go down the fairly lengthy list, you'll see exactly what we mean.


    • Added replace-vehicles-now feature in line and vehicle window
    • Added double slip switches
    • Added track speed layer
    • Added street traffic layer
    • Added zoom-to-cursor option
    • Added names for persons
    • Added vehicle cargo weight simulation (applies in new games only)
    • Added Italian, Portuguese and Ukrainian translations
    • Added map seed text to savegame and console
    • Added camera recording tool (debug mode only)
    • Added debug mode switch to settings menu
    • Added menu option for hardware cursor
    • Added base config setting to earn achievements with mods enabled
    • Added speedLimit parameter for lane lists (modding)
    • Added terminal connectivity test to verify constructions (modding)
    • Added 'catenaryPoleDistance' setting to track type config (modding)
    • Added 'getGameDifficulty' to scripting interface (modding)
    • Added logos for all vehicles (content)
    • Added level of detail models for all vehicles (content)
    • Improved savegame loading time
    • Improved RAM consumption
    • Improved general performance
    • Improved line window (stop list, load mode, vehicles and replacement tab)
    • Improved vehicle window (send to depots and sell, details tab, replace now)
    • Improved line manager (icons, tooltips)
    • Improved line assign pop up (new line button on top, show visible lines only)
    • Improved traffic simulation (player road vehicles have more priority)
    • Improved person/vehicle interaction
    • Improved music volume (lower volume possible)
    • Improved camera panning (perspective panning)
    • Improved translations (some text was not translated)
    • Improved aircraft movement (smaller turn radius etc.)
    • Improved aircraft approach/landing and air traffic control
    • Improved balancing in some missions
    • Improved cargo sorting for data tables
    • Improved map generation when 'makeInitialStreets' is false
    • Improved GUI scrolling: handle arrow keys, page up/down, home/end
    • Improved Lua error handling
    • Improved stability on Mac computers
    • Fixed train brake bug
    • Fixed late game mid-month lags
    • Fixed train driving through other train after automatic vehicle replacement
    • Fixed production behavior of industries with multiple output products
    • Fixed street upgrade crash (occurred with some mods with through-streets)
    • Fixed achievements not earned after mission complete
    • Fixed delay when vehicle 100% loaded
    • Fixed multi-cargo load/unload delay bug
    • Fixed language error aircrafts to aircraft
    • Fixed age not reset on vehicle clone
    • Fixed credits button not clickable bug
    • Fixed station table sort/filter by cargo
    • Fixed streets blocking industries in map generation
    • Fixed wrong resolution bug on Mac computers
    • Fixed Steam overlay on Mac computers
    • Fixed Ctrl-Tab on Mac computers
    • Fixed Alt-Enter on Mac computers
    • Fixed platform orientation of modern rail station (content)
    • Fixed rail stone bridge gaps between pillars and railing (content)
    • Fixed modern bus/tram station catenary and lanes (content)
    • Fixed lowest level of detail model of characters (content)
    • Fixed vehicle models details of ge_p42_dc, br_e94 and Nohab (content)
    • Fixed train car door sounds (content)

    While not a patch in the traditional sense of these posts, Transport Fever just got a noteworthy addition with its own official Wikia site. The developers have seemingly pitched in to get the ball rolling with pages about Construction Features, Management Options and a Beginner's Guide in the hopes that the community will get involved too.

    Adding to that, they're hoping to convince more users to start modding the game. Already impressed by what's going on in the Steam Workshop, Urban Games have released a Model Viewer tool where users can build models and test things like animations, colouring and ageing.

    They say there's more in the works, but we're going to have to wait and see on that one. For now, make sure to check out our existing mod database.

    Not much here for you PC players. Actually, there's nothing at all. While Windows and Linux users got their massive performance update the day before, the Mac update just aimed to solve the problem of a very particularly random crash. Read more, if needed, down below:


    • Fixed a crash which occurred randomly

    Calling it a 'major' performance update, this one has a little more to do with improving performence on machines more than fixing any bugs that may have been left hidden in the game's code after the last DLC update. So lets get right to it;


  • Improved rendering performance
  • Improved simulation performance
  • Improved performance while building
  • Improved stability on Mac computers
  • Improved terrain tool
  • Improved performance of vehicle/station/line etc. tables
  • Improved Steam Workshop support (link mods to workshop page)
  • Improved Steam Workshop support (unsubscribe from advanced game settings)
  • Improved vehicle window (show if refittable)
  • Improved GUI window positioning
  • Improved vehicle LODs
  • Improved main connections (removed industry main connections)
  • Improved save game GUI (progress bar)
  • Improved bus/tram behavior in big towns
  • Improved mouse cursor (fluent system mouse cursor)
  • Improved ship motion (fewer slowdowns)
  • Improved cargo simulation (reduced negative effects of overloaded stations)
  • Improved cargo simulation (ship more items in certain cases)
  • Improved Chinese translations
  • Fixed wooden bridge bulldozing
  • Fixed ships not finding path to depot, or not going to closest depot
  • Fixed automatic vehicle replacement (unload cargo first)
  • Fixed line manager 'visible only' for air/water lines
  • Fixed crash when building tracks
  • Fixed crash when initializing game with experimental map size
  • Fixed mod vehicles not showing up in USA scenario
  • Fixed main connection warnings showing up even if disabled in base config
  • Fixed a bug which caused towns to grow too fast (applies to new games only)
  • Fixed harbor placement when snapping to street
  • Fixed ships (removed crude/oil/fuel from non-tankers)
  • Fixed various building LODs