Borderlands 2 Patch Download Pc

This is a repository for Community Mods made for the Borderlands series - BLCM/BLCMods. Skip to content. BLCM / BLCMods. Pull requests 0. Wiki Insights Branch: master. Create new file Find file History BLCMods / Borderlands 2 mods /. Download Borderlands 2 for FREE on PC – Released on September 17, 2012, Borderlands 2 is an FPS action RPG game with an amazing storyline and great characters. Learn how to download and install Borderlands 2 for free in this article and be sure to share this site with your friends. Borderlands patch free download - Borderlands Granular, Borderlands Game Of The Year, Tales from the Borderlands, and many more programs. WhatsApp for PC. View all Windows apps.

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  4. Borderlands 2 Patch Download Pc
Posted by2 years ago


If you dont like updating the modpack with your own mods, but have already installed the patch with the patcher or hex editing, you can redownload my mod, delete the .txt files in the 'binaries' folder of bl2 and add the ones in my download 'Development' of this modpack has stopped, add things you'd like yourself to personalize the modpack!


Borderlands 2 Patch Download Pc Pc

Hey I've made this for newcomers who dont want to go through the hassle of finding mods for themselves. there are quite a lot of mods so it will feel refreshing to play this game once more, keep in mind i will occasionally update this, but if you dont want to wait for that you're free to add mods yourself
Before starting i want to give credit to the amazing people behind the content of this mod, im currently trying to get in contact with them to see if they're fine with this project here.

A big thanks toWhat they created
Shadowevil/Craig-YoutubeMaking the community patch as a whole
00SchmidtFor making the rocket jump butcher, and the Gatling hammerbuster.
Aaron-0000Making the Bastard,Fast Talker, Quaker, Punter,and hammer custom weapons,making legendary and higher rarity Tediore weapons regen ammo,his GearBoxGunsPlus mod, his heavy shotgun accessory replacement and his extremely funny randomizer mod
AlexMaking the Ajax-Ogre reincarnation
Battle-BeeVladof Warmonger
DaveFor his/her All or nothing sniper, Singing bird sniper and Shark SMG
DerchFor his guides on BL2 community patch and videos on the new weapons
Dr DapperFor creating the bug zapper SMG and Config: sentry Assault rifle
FabledSaikofor his/her PistolsRedone mod that makes pistols more interesting.
Greemfor making the infinity viable in UVHM (might break it in normal and TVHM) after additional testing, i can assure you: this gun will be broken in every gamemode lol.
HemaxhuFor his/her pearl-ascent item buffs and making vendors worthwhile, sorta like in tps at release.
KuropantherFor making the MissingSights mod that allows sights on iron sight
Lftstrafe-Youtubefor making continued youtube videos on the new guns and other interesting stuff.
Luther78for his/her legendary support class mod (replacing legendary pointman for Axton)
SytheDarkessfor his/her 2 Axton class mod replacements, Legendary Merc and Legendary Spec-Ops.
metalfokkerfor his/her HeavyChaingun assault rifle
splitzlefor his/her mod that allows fast traveling to more spots (i know this isnt the only one, but this has more spots)
TheNocturniFor his/her phaselock mod. & Heimdall gun. Also the OCD helping FFYL aim mod.
Yhormfor making the one-shot sniper.
xmngrfor the Deus Ex Arma SMG.
TsunamiHis/her golden flamethrower mod.
/u/CatCheschireHelping me on finding a bug that disabled a few features of the community patch, maybe there is more to come, depends on how lazy one can be .

CONTENTS(more information in readme.txt)
This mod includes:
New weapons, replacing old ones (and some ridiculously overpowered ones.) Quality of life changes
More quality of life changes
Buffs to unused weapons.
And as an extra some fun mods that probably will break your game (optional)

Borderlands 2 need to be in your C: drive for the Patcher to work, otherwise you have to Install it yourself

HOW TO INSTALL First download the file (at the bottom of this post) and extract. Read the instructions carefully and do what is said. make sure you have checked the requirements! ??? Profit. Download link for my pack: Have fun!
Please do let me know if i missed anything, i will happily fix/improve this guide!Constructive criticism to the guides layout or how accessible it is, is always welcome! If you have a request to a mod to be added for everyone to enjoy, make sure to comment it!

EXTRAyou can grab the BL2 Hex-multitool to be able to remove sanity check, sanity check is what removes your weapons if they dont have the right parts, this will prevent loss of your weapons if you forget to disable the patch.

Borderlands 2 pc version

I will also update this every week or so, telling me what you would like added. (for example, more fun/unique weapons or QoL changes) then please by all means, do let me know! It would be great to know what the community wanted so i can continue working on this!

Borderlands 2 Forum

Change log:

  1. 1st of June: updated download link as the thunderfireV5.txt was breaking the master.txt, as it conflicted with another mod.

  2. 1st of June: updated README!!!.txt to include all contents of this pack.

  3. 1st of June: updated master.txt and renamed one of the files to make it exec properly. It's now working again.

  4. 1st of June: updated README!!!.txt to include rankings on how balanced/welcome a weapon/change is to the vanilla game.

  5. 5th of June: Made a credits list (reddit tables wont work, might have to look into that) there should be a table there now. and updated the file with some extra additions, whom are also on the credit-table. mod is currently broken after new additions

  6. 5th of June: fixed the broken mods (game can't handle mods with spaces in their names)

  7. 5th of June: removed the pepperbox mod, and added a mod that adds Vladof barrels to Jakobs pistol spawn pool.

  8. 5th of June: added lots of new weapons, mostly from Aaron0000

  9. 6th of June: updated README!!!.txt to include all the new content I've added so far, also spelling errors.

  10. 11th of June: The awesome Aaron0000 updated his Pandemonium(randomizer) mod to include more barrels and effects, added that into the file. LAST UPDATE: 2nd of July. Added all the credits possible, have fun guys! LAST UPDATE FOR REALSIES: 11th of July, the awesome Buggyworm has updated his patcher to work for whereever your bl2 is installed now, just drag and drop the .exe file for bl2 in the program and it works! Also updated README!!.txt to include this fact. LAST UPDATE FOR REALv2, MAINTENANCE UPDATE: JULY 11th Aaron0000 updated his randomizer mod to include guns grenades and shields! it really tells you work has been put into something when a freaking text file fills 12mb! The patch is now updated to 3.1 as well. many nice changes which you can see Here
    Im apparently never stopping updating this 18th of september: User /u/CatCheschire has shown me my load order is apparently all messed up, ill try a few things out and see what goes the best way.


To-Do List:

  1. Credit mod authors ask for permission, otherwise remove them

  2. Balance this mod out.

  3. Add more features to make it unique.

  4. Better compatibility.

  5. Update the contents folder every once in a while for new changes.

Borderlands 2 patch download

Borderlands 2 Patch Download Pc