Touhou Ulil Patch Download

Release Information
Type: Bullet Hell Freezing
Developer: Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher: Team Shanghai Alice
Release: Comiket 78 on August 14, 2010
Language: English-Patched (ThCrap Self-Updating Standalone)
Silhouette On Cover: Cirno (Sole Playable Character)
Character InformationPlayable Characters: 1 (Cirno)
Shot Types: 1
(With Level Up System) DescriptionCirno has challenged the three mischievous fairies to a fight! (Or did they challenge her? She can't remember.) The winner gets to declare themselves the strongest, and able to terrorize humans in the name of fairies everywhere, so off Cirno goes to freeze everything that gets in her way! Unique Gameplay MechanicsFreezing
* Hey, the enemies fire way too many bullets in this game, don't they? Yes. Yes they do. So not only can you fire back as usual, you can also freeze enemy bullets.
What You Can Freeze and How It Works
* You can freeze normal bullets (the vast majority of what you'll see). Charge your Ice Barrier by holding the [Z] (Freeze) button, then let go; you'll envelop the immediate vicinity in ice. Nearby bullets will freeze, which causes bullets close to them to also freeze; if you do this correctly, you can cause chain-freezing the entire way up the screen.
* Ice Barrier Potency: Your Ice Barrier's potency is the percentage displayed above Cirno's head. It charges slowly, similar to Aya's camera in the photography games. You can charge it faster by hitting enemies with rapid-fire shots and by performing successful freezes. The percentage determines how powerful the effect of your Ice Barrier will be if you use it right at that moment; using it at a full 100% can easily freeze the entire contents of the screen when done right, whereas using it at 30% (the lowest charge you can use it at) affords barely enough time to give you an extra moment to think.
* Perfect Freeze: Cirno's spell card freezes absolutely everything onscreen that can be frozen normally, and has the added effect of also freezing fireballs (see below). You charge Perfect Freeze energy the same way you charge Ice Barrier energy (hitting enemies with rapid-fire shots and performing successful freezes).
Hazards You Can't Freeze
* You can't freeze fireballs, at least not with your standard Ice Barrier; the only resource you have that can freeze Fireballs is Perfect Freeze. Fireballs will start appearing in stage 2, and you'll be reminded of their presence.
* You can't freeze lasers. In fact, lasers break ice, turning it into bullet shards that will hurt you! Lasers will start turning up in stage 3.
* You can't freeze beams, which are a hazard only present in the Extra Route. Ice will only act as a shield against them. Any time you spend in beams gradually drains Cirno's Motivation.
* So by now you're wondering where your life count is. The answer is that Cirno can go on as long as she's sufficiently motivated; the Motivation count is Cirno's 'lives' counter, with 100% being one life.
* How do you keep her motivated? Why, success of course - hit enemies with her shots, and freeze bullets with her Ice Barrier!
* Max Motivation is 1,000%, or 10 lives.
Level Up System
* There aren't any Power items in this game, so instead, Cirno gains Experience by defeating or freezing enemies. When she gains enough, she levels up, and gains more firepower icepower, up to a maximum of Level 16. (Who knew Cirno could count past 9?)
* On Easy, you start at Level 3, but on any other difficulty, you start the game at Level 1. Scorefile* This scorefile was provided by Wolfdragon Rex.
* It unlocks the Extra stage.
* It has all routes cleared on Easy, and has three routes cleared on Normal (A1, B1, and C1); there are no clears on Hard or Lunatic.
-> You can help get this scorefile to 100%! If you have a scorefile which improves upon the progress in this existing file, please submit it to us!Th12.8 (FW) Scorefile [Wolfdragon Rex].zip
Steam Release
If you would like to support ZUN, you may buy Great Fairy Wars on Steam here:
  1. Idm Patch Download
  2. Touhou Ulil Patch Download Pc
  3. Special Force Patch Download
Amtemu v0.9.2 patch download
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Summary info on Touhou Project games English localization patches.

Download Touhou Project 14.5: Urban Legend in Limbo Alternative names: Touhou Shinpiroku, 東方深秘録, Ulil Developer: Twilight Frontier / Team Shanghai Alice Publisher. Touhou 07 - Perfect Cherry Blossom + Ultra patch + Cheat Auto bomb + Cheat Infinity lives. Touhou 15 - Legend of Lunatic Kingdom + Ultra mode (Black label) + Super. 17 Comments to “TH12.3 – Touhou Hisoutensoku”. Can you update the download link to english? My anti-virus keeps deleting the english patch program, so I can’t patch any games. Youkai of Shadows 24 May 2015 at 4:15 am # Does this come with an english patch, or is it seperate? Come visit Moriya Shrine. Your source for all things Touhou.

Adding mirrors[edit]

  • Please check the discussion page before you add a mirror.
  • Links should link to the download page for that patch, not to a general website.
  • Bumping your site to the top of the list or failing to provide direct download links will usually result in your site being removed from this page. Repeated violations will cause your account to be blocked from editing.
  • Replacing links (especially for public file upload sites such as Rapidshare) others have posted without sufficient reason may be construed as vandalism and your account may be blocked from editing.
  • Files added MUST be signed by author and/or validate against original MD5.
  • See Patches for a list of patches and Patch notes.

Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher[edit]

The Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher is a newer way to handle unofficial game patches for Touhou games. The patcher works by modifying how the game launches, thus allowing multiple different patches to be installed without modifying the game files. In fact, it's possible to install several different patches and set up launchers to use all, none, or specific ones. Translations are automatically updated whenever the game launches so the user can be sure that they have the most up to date translations.

The following Touhou Community Reliant Automatic Patcher repositories provide English translations of the Touhou series:

Touhou Patch Center (
  • lang_en - Community translation from the Touhou Patch Center wiki

Official Games[edit]

GamePatch notesDL link
TH01 東方靈異伝 ~
The Highly Responsive to Prayers
Only translates Music Test, the pause screen, and the route names at the end of stage 5, for which the player can specify a preferred combination. Other text, including that of the endings, remains in Japanese.Download
TH02 東方封魔録 ~
The Story of Eastern Wonderland
Translates dialogue, endings, music room text, most menu text, some staff roll headings, results/final results screens, HUD, and on-field score numerals. Some text remains in Japanese due to space issues; most images are unchanged.Release Candidate 2
TH06 東方紅魔郷 ~
the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
Requires v1.02h update patch.v0.8
TH07 東方妖々夢 ~
Perfect Cherry Blossom
Requires v1.00b update patch. Also works on trial version 0.11.v1.0
TH07.5 東方萃夢想 ~
Immaterial and Missing Power
Requires v1.11 update patch.v1.1
TH08 東方永夜抄 ~
Imperishable Night
Requires 1.00d update patch.v1.0
TH09 東方花映塚 ~
Phantasmagoria of Flower View
Be sure to check the included readme, as you will need to manually move the provided Cirno.ttf font file from your game directory into your fonts folder after installing. Requires v1.50a update. This patch may cause the game to crash on startup on some users. If this problem occurs, you should either put your game folder somewhere in your C:Program Files directory, or rename the game folder to 'Phantasmagoria of Flower View' instead of its default name if you're putting it outside of Program Files (Rename it to something else if you want to move it in there).

TH09.5 東方文花帖 ~
Shoot the Bullet
Requires 1.02a update patch.v1.1
TH10 東方風神録 ~
Mountain of Faith
Warning: After the Reimu-Suwako dialogue, replays of the original Japanese version usually desync on the English patched version, and vice versa. The main game and Marisa appear to be unaffected.v1.0
TH10.5 東方緋想天 ~
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
Full English patch--Requires v1.06a update patch.

When you're installing the v1.06a patch (requires Japanese locale) and browsing for your game folder, it will add a /th105 string to your folder address, which will change the installation location (If you select C:Program Files, it will display as C:Program Filesth105). To properly install, either type in your folder address manually, or delete the th105 string from your folder address after selecting your folder location.

TH11 東方地霊殿 ~
Subterranean Animism
TH12 東方星蓮船 ~
Undefined Fantastic Object
Be sure to have upgraded your game to v1.00b beforehand or else the patch might not work.v1.0
TH12.3 東方非想天則
Full English patch - Requires v1.10a patch.

When you're installing the v1.10a patch (requires Japanese locale) and browsing for your game folder, it will add a /th123 string to your folder address, which will change the installation location (If you select C:Program Files, it will display as C:Program Filesth123). To properly install, either type in your folder address manually, or delete the th123 string from your folder address after selecting your folder location. Marvel alliance bundle pc patch download. Origin patch download september 2015 calendar.

TH12.3 Weather patchDownload
TH12.5 ダブルスポイラー ~ 東方文花帖
(Double Spoiler)
If installing on Windows Vista/7 with User Account Control (UAC) enabled, you must run the patch as administrator.

To run the patch as administrator, right click on ds_english_patch.exe and select 'Run as administrator'.

TH12.8 妖精大戦争 ~
(Fairy Wars)
To install, just point it to the folder containing your TH 12.8 installation and hit Patch.

As with the other English patches, spell card names in the Results screen will appear scrambled until the card has been seen again in the game, at which point the card name will appear correctly in English.

TH13 東方神霊廟 ~
(Ten Desires)
Requires v1.00c patchv1.0
TH13.5 東方心綺楼 ~
(Hopeless Masquerade)
Requires v1.34b patchv1.05
TH14.5 東方深秘録 ~
(Urban Legend in Limbo)
Patch requires TasoFro's v1.41 update.
No installation needed, just place the files in the TH14.5 root folder and run with th145e.exe.

Related games[edit]

Idm Patch Download

GamePatch notesDL link
Touhou Unreal MahjongPartial English patch (works with version 1.6)Partial patch


Touhou Ulil Patch Download Pc

GamePatch notesDL link
DynaMarisaRequires the game to be patched to version 1.02.v1.0
Fantasy Maiden Wars ERequires the game to be patched to version 1.1.2. View the patch readme for further patch-related information.v1.02
The Genius of Sappheiros (Weekend)Requires Genius of Sappheiros Weekend patched to v3.1Download
Labyrinth of TouhouRequires the C76 Plus Disc and must be patched to v2.04.

After installing the English patch, you will need to copy the dfminc.ttc or hgrpp1.ttc font file from your game directory to your fonts folder. For proper font display, your system's locale will still need to be set to Japanese.

Labyrinth of Touhou Special DiscRequires the game to be patched to version 3.01.

After installing the English patch, you will need to copy the dfminc.ttc or hgrpp1.ttc font file from your game directory to your fonts folder. For proper font display, your system's locale will still need to be set to Japanese.

Marisa and Alice (MariAri)Your computer will still need to have its locale set to Japanese for the text to be visible.v1.01
MaristiceRun the patch and point it to the directory in which Maristice is installed. For Windows Vista/7 users, be sure you have admin access to the install directory. The patch will only work with the full version of the game, not the demo. From
Ojou-sama no DokiDoki DaisakusenRequires the game to be patched to version 3.1.2.v1.0
Sengoku GensokyoRequires the game to be patched to version 1.30b; the first seven patches must be downloaded from here and copied to your game folder.v1.01
Shin Gyakuten TouhouPlace the patch file in the directory where the game is installed.v1.0
Touhou EpicRequires Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword version 3.19.Download
Touhou Hack and SlashRequires the game to be patched to version 1.40a.v1.0
Touhou Katsugeki Kidan 3To install, copy patch files manually into the game directory.Download
Touhou Pocket WarsRequires the game to be patched to version 1.07b. Your system's locale will need to be set to Japanese to display fonts correctly.v1.07b
Touhou Pocket Wars EvolutionRequires the game to be patched to version 1.07. Your system's locale will need to be set to Japanese to display fonts correctly.v1.07
Touhou Pocket Wars Evolution PlusRequires the game to be patched to version 2.02. Your system's locale will need to be set to Japanese to display fonts properly.v2.02
Touhou Soccer MoushuudenRequires the game to be patched to version 2-18-0 (2-16-0 patch, 2-16-10 to 2-18-0 incremental patch). Your system's locale will need to be set to Japanese to run the game smoothly and display fonts.

There is a known freezing glitch that occurs with games patched to 2-18-0 at the first story mode cutscene when you speak to the 'coach'. To circumvent this, disable the BGM in the options menu before starting a new game and re-enable it after you save/load your game for the first time.

Youyou Kengeki MusouRequires the game to be patched to v1.2.0.v1.0
Marisa and Alice's Trap TowerRequires the game to be patched to v1.05a.v1.0a
Touhou Hangyaku Geki Sakuya's Counterattackv1.0

Special Force Patch Download

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