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      In Storm League, rank is always updated by taking the change in rating and determining the equivalent number of rank points to reward. While the Heroes team is quite happy with how it turned out, the system is causing problems in Bronze 5.
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      With the launch of Storm League season 1 we have seen a dramatic improvement in rank distribution. One of the primary changes in this release was in how rank is determined. In the past, rank and rating were two entirely different concepts, both of which were updated differently after each game. It was very common for a player's rank and rating to diverge throughout each season which could cause the matchmaking system to struggle to find games.
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      Under the hood, matchmaking rating is simply a number on a bell curve. Every league and division encompasses a range of values on the same curve. For example, if the overall bell curve ranges from -10.0 to 10.0 and the range 1.0 to 1.5 maps to Gold 1, then a player with a rating of 1.25 will have the equivalent rank of Gold 1 & 500/1000 points. These numbers are intentionally made up as the real ones are always subject to change but the idea is the same.
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A new update for Heroes of the Storm is now live on the public test realm, introducing its latest character and a wide of array of changes targeting the game's UI.

The new character is Probius, a Protoss Probe from StarCraft II. He can't ride a mount, but his base movement speed is 10 percent faster than other characters and he has a temporary speed boost ability (a la Sgt. Hammer). In true Protoss fashion, Probius warps in Pylons, which serve to power one of his abilities and restore his mana.

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Heros of the Storm - Dev Update: Probius and New Epic Elemental Stag Mount!

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Best of all, the on-fire effect has returned for individual players. By performing particularly well in a match, your portrait at the top of the screen will be surrounded by flames. In addition to this being given more prominent placement than before, the way this is determined now takes more factors into account. Only a maximum of three players can be on fire at any one time.

All of these changes, along with many others--including the addition of two new mounts (seen in the video above)--are all now available to check out on the PTR. A release date for this content in the live game has not yet been confirmed. You can check out the full patch notes here.

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