Drog Black Tooth's Unofficial Arcanum Patch Download

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Drog Black Tooth at the RPGCodex has created a kick-ass patch for Arcanum, fixing many of the issues didn't. However, this guy seems to have a very good reputation, and his patch is regarded as the best one available for this game. The game is good, but has some flaws in it, and Drog Black Tooth's patch fixes most of the flaws. The text that I entered after the quotation mark in my Arcanum shortcut's 'target' is as follows: -doublebuffer -no3d If you wish, you can also use the following.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and MagickObscura

Publisher(s)Sierra Entertainment
Designer(s)Jason D. Anderson,
Timothy Cain[1]
EngineArcanum engine
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows
Releasedate(s)NA 21 August2001
EU 24 August 2001
Genre(s)Steampunk, Fantasy, Computer role–playing
Mode(s)Single player, LANmultiplayer
ESRB: M(Mature)
PEGI: 12+
USK: 12+
Media2 CD-ROMs
System requirements200 MHzIntelPentiumCPU, 32 MBRAM, 8 MB video card VGA card(minimum 4 MB RAM), 4X CD–ROM drive, DirectX 7.0, 16–bit Directx compatible soundcard, 1.2 GB available hard disk space, Windows 95
Input methodsKeyboard, mouse

Arcanum: Of Steamworks and MagickObscura (more commonly known asArcanum) is a single playercomputer role-playing gamedeveloped by Troika Games andpublished by Sierra Entertainment. It wasreleased in North America and Europe in August 2001 for MicrosoftWindows. Debuting at fourth position on NPD Intelect'sbest–seller list,[2]it was Troika's best–selling title with 234,000 copies sold andwith takings of US$8.8 million.[3]

Despite the large number of bugs in the game, a problem commonto all of Troika's titles,[4]reviews have been mostly positive, with IGN scoring it 8.7 andconferring the IGN Editors' Choice Award on 24 August 2001.[5]PC Gamer and GameZone awarded Arcanum 90out of 100,[6]with the latter also conferring its Editors' Choice accolade.[7]The Electric Playgroundawarded the game 9 out of 10, calling it 'the most diverse andopen–ended RPG to date'.[8]The game currently holds an average review score of 79% on GameRankings[9]and 81% on Metacritic.[10]

The story takes place on the continent of Arcanum, which despiteits initial fantasy settinghas just started going through an industrialrevolution.[11]The story begins with the crash of the zeppelinIFS Zephyr, of which theprotagonist is the only survivor, which leads him throughout theland in search of answers.[12]The game employs an isometric perspective and featuresan open game world where the protagonist can travel unhindered.

  • 1Gameplay
    • 1.1Character creation
    • 1.3Open–worlddesign
  • 4Development
  • 8External links


Gameplay in Arcanum consists of travelling through thegame world, visiting locations and interacting with the localinhabitants, typically in real–time. Occasionally, inhabitants willrequire the player's assistance in various tasks, which the playermay choose to solve in order to acquire special items, experiencepoints or new followers. Many quests offer multiple solutionsfor the player, depending on his playing style, which may consistof combat, persuasion,thievery or bribery.[13]Ultimately, players will encounter hostile opponents (if suchencounters are not avoided using stealth or diplomacy), in which case they and the playerwill engage in combat, which can be real–time or turn–based.


Wannacry microsoft patch download. Arcanum begins with the player creating theircharacter, choosing from a large variety of races, attributes,technological skills, magical aptitudes and background traits orthe player may choose a predefined character. Over the course ofthe game, the character may improve his or her skills by gaining experiencethrough completing quests or defeating opponents incombat.[14]Every time the player gains a level he can spend one characterpoint to improve any attribute, weapon skill, technologicaldiscipline, school of magic, thievery skill or social skill. Everyfifth level one additional character point is awarded for a totalof 64 character points.[15]The player can only control one character directly, but may recruitadditional followers during the game depending on his aptitudes andalignment.

Player characters have the choice of specialising in atechnological path which emphasizes constructing weapons,ammunition and items from various components, a magical path whichemphasizes spellcasting or a neutral path, learning both magic andtechnology skills, which allows the most flexibility. The game usesa meter to show how biased towards magic or technology the playeris; any character points spent on a technological discipline orskill move the aptitude meter towards the technology side and anypoints spent on spells move it towards the magical side. Characterpoints spent on attributes or any other skills do not alter theaptitude metre.[16][17]


The player (dwarf, centre) in combat with the NPC character Virgilagainst an Ailing Wolf.

Three combat modes were included in the final release of thegame: real–time, turn–based and a faster version of turn–based.Arcanum's combat design has received criticism, withreviews stating that it is poorly balanced, frantic[18]and overly simplified. The player's combat capabilities are inlarge part governed by the character's combat skills and weapons.Attacking is performed automatically by clicking on a hostile NPCprovided that he is in range of the attack.

Combat skills that the player character can choose from includemelee weapons (with an optionalback stabbing skill for stealth–oriented players), thrown weapons,archery, firearms and certaindamage–inflicting spells from some schools of magic.Deciding whether or not to use violence in the game sometimescarries consequences for the player's party. Some AI–controlled followers theplayer makes will find their character's conduct morallyobjectionable, and leave, or even attack the player.[19] Skyrim pc patch download without steam. Telltale batman ps4 patch download.

Open–world design

A screenshot from the game illustrating Arcanum'sgameworld.

Arcanum's large, free–formworld bears many similarities to Fallout with regards tothe scarcity of towns, cities or other locations of interest,however Arcanum's map is much larger thanFallout's due to the fact that it takes place on an entirecontinent rather than a limited stretch of coastline. The travelsystem however has some things in common with the Elder Scrolls series in that the world canbe travelled across in–game, without the use of the world map, andthat the game doesn't rush the player into pursuing the mainquest.[20]

The game comes packaged with an editor, allowing players tocreate their own maps, campaigns and NPCs, called WorldEdit. Theprogram allows any game–world object to be input into existing andnewly created environments via GUI menus. Editing can be done ineither isometric or top–down views. Players have charge over thegame's variables, such as the skill level required to pick acertain lock, or the precise time that an electric light will turnon. Players are also able to create brand new objects via thescenery creator.[21]


Arcanum begins with a cut scene of the IFSZephyr, a luxury zeppelin, on her maiden voyage from Caladon to Tarant. Twomonoplanes, piloted by Half–Ogrebandits, close in on the craft and commence attack runs, succeedingin shooting it down. A passenger aboard the Zephyr, an oldgnome, now in his death throes under charred debris, tells the player to bring a silver ring to 'the boy', and promptly dies. Beingthe only survivor of the crash, the main character is proclaimed as'The Living One,' a holy reincarnate, by the only witness to thecrash, Virgil. The story follows the player's path as he searchesfor the origin of the ring he has to deliver. Over the course ofthe game, the player uncovers more about the history of thecontinent, the motivation of the assassins out there to kill himand the identity of the one threatening to end all life on theland.[22]

Arcanum is an example of a non–linear role–playing game. At variouspoints throughout the game, players may take the story in differentdirections, sometimes permanently removing different paths ofaction. The game's central questultimately develops according to how players navigate its dichotomies, the mostapparent being that of magic and technology. Many of the game's sidequestsallow for more than one solution depending on the playercharacter's specialisations and even certain portions of the mainquest can be solved more easily through dialogue than throughcombat. The game's magic/technology and good/evil metres alsoinfluence what followers your character can attract throughout thegame or how other NPCs will react to the player.[23]


Arcanum is the name of the fantasy world in which the gameunfolds. It consists of a continental mainland and three islands.[24]The world is inhabited by various Tolkienesque races, namely Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, Halflings, Orcs, Ogres andvarious wildlife. Players can choose from Humans, Elves, Dwarves,Gnomes, Halflings and human hybrid races Half–Elves, Half–Orcs andHalf–Ogres as playable races.[25]The continent is divided between several different politicalentities. The Unified Kingdom is rapidly industrialising, its twolargest cities are Tarant and Ashbury and is technologically themost advanced kingdom. The Kingdom of Cumbria is the deterioratedkingdom, consisting of Dernholm and Black Root, ruled by an old conservative king. The Kingdom of Arland,extending from Caladon to Roseborough, is a small but thrivingmonarchy west of the Stonewall range. The Glimmering Forest, thelargest in Arcanum, is home to the Elven city of Qintarraand the Dark Elven city of T'sen–Ang, and has been untouched by thetechnological advancements of the time. The Stonewall and GreyMountain Ranges are home to the remaining Dwarven clans: the Black Mountain Clan, the StonecutterClan, The Wheel Clan and the Iron Clan. Many other minorsettlements also exist as well as containing ruins of pastcivilizations, the biggest of which being the ruins of Vendigroth,the most advanced city on Arcanum, which met a sudden andmysterious end.[24][26]

An important in–game dynamic is the dichotomy of magic and technology in theworld. Technology is explained to function by using physical law toproduce a desired result, e.g. a bolt of electricity from a Tesla Gun would arcthrough the most conductive path to its target.Magic, on the other hand, is explained to manipulate physical lawto make a lightningspell follow the shortest path to the target, instead of thenatural path. The two are incompatible to the point that theyoverwhelm each other – technological devices will becomeineffective or even permanently inoperative in the presence ofpowerful magic and vice versa. Much of the population has chosen toembrace technology for its efficiency, accessibility and permanentresults, however the Elves, Dark Elves and some humans continue topractise magic exclusively. This also affects interactions betweendifferent characters as well, as spells cast on technologists orfirearms used against mages have a failure rate.[27]


Orcs and Ogres alike are looked down upon as savage, feral peoples by Arcanum's civilized folk, whoown virtually all the industry of the major population centres.There is a great enmity between elves and dwarfs, the former beingnaturally inclined towards magically–defined society, the latterbeing forerunners of the technology race — and many elves blame thedwarfs for the rise of human technology. Scientists are unwelcome in magical societieslike Qintarra or Tulla, but will be respected if they are righteousand good folk. Conversely, a mage would be admitted onto asteamtrain only on the provision that he take a third–class seat onthe last caboose, so as not to cause interference with the engine(despite there being no in–game mechanic by which even the powerfulmages can affect it). Powerful mages may be denied transportaltogether.[28][29]

Drog Black Tooth's Unofficial Arcanum Patch Download Full


Arcanum's public beta testing commenced in September2000.[30]It is the debut title of now–defunct development houseTroika Games, whichconsisted of former Interplay Entertainmentstaff—most notably TimCain—responsible for 1997's critically acclaimed Fallout.[31]On release, the game was found to be incompatible with some video cards such as Voodoo2, and drivers such as nVidia's Detonator3. Furthermore,the game's copy protection software, SecuROM, caused system–component conflicts withparticular brands of soundcards and CD-ROMdrives.[32]Such bugs as well as the game's numerous gameplay bugs were one ofthe game's biggest criticisms.[4][25][33]

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In a 2000 interviewwith Nextgame.it Tim Cain announced plans for an Arcanumsequel,[34]but these plans would not come to pass — Troika Games filed for dissolutionon September 30, 2005.

In September 2006, one of Arcanum's lead programmersand tri–founder of Troika, Leonard Boyarsky, divulged that thestudio had originally commenced work on a sequel, going by theworking title of Journey to the Centre of Arcanum, whichwould use Valve's Source Engine. Development was curtailed bydisputes between Sierra and Valve, resulting ultimately in theproject being shelved.[35]


The latest official patch, was released in 2001 andleaves many bugs unfixed and a large portion of game contentunused. In an attempt to resolve most of the issues in the game,several unofficial patches have been released by the community. Thebest known comprehensive fix package is Drog Black Tooth's'Unofficial Arcanum patch' series at RPG Codex, which fixes many ofArcanum's remaining issues without altering the game's balance. Themod also restores a substantial amount of lost content, includingendings, audio, artwork and animations, as well as adding higherquality versions of location maps, and higher bit rate music files (created from theofficial soundtrack CD). One of the mod's most notable features isthe removal of sprite mirroring, restoringmore than 200 megabytes of previously unused animations to thegame. Development on the patch last reached version 081229 as ofthe end of December 2008.[36]In April 2009, the same author released the 'Arcanum HighResolution Patch' which allowed the game to be playable at anyresolution, standard or custom. The patch required extensiverewriting of gameengine subroutines to allow it to cope with higher resolutionsthan the game was designed for.[37]


Aggregate scores
GameSpot7.3 of 10[25]
GameSpy89 out of 100[38]
GameZone90 out of 100[7]
IGN8.7 out of 10[5]
PC GamerUS90 out of 100[6]
RPGFan86 out of 100[39]
IGNEditors' Choice
GameZoneEditors' Choice

Upon release, Arcanum had mostly positive reviewscores, receiving two Editor's Choice Awards from IGN[5] andGameZone[7]with scores of 8.7 out of 10 and 90 out of 100, respectively. IGNstated that “the story is rich and complex”[5]praising the character creation, its open–ended game play and sizeof the game world.[5]They also praised the game for its responsiveness to the player “awell adjusted Elf may get more information out of an aristocratthan a surly Half-Ogre, and the conversations you have will becompletely different.”[5] IGNdid however criticise its interface calling it “[not] veryintuitive, bordering on downright clunky”[5] andthe in–game userinterface “takes up over a third of the screen.”[5]Gamezone called it a RPG with “some extra bite”[7]also praising the character creation and game play stating “Thisone will be on your PC for months.”[7]Additionally they praised the “incredible range of equipment thatranges from standard[s] such as swords and armor to rags and coaland empty cans.”[7]

I was pleasantly surprised that I could construct Molotovcocktail bombs from garbage. Insanely cool
– Gamezonereview[7]

The game also received praise from TheElectric Playground, which awarded the game 9 out of 10and calling it 'the most diverse and open–ended RPG to date.'[8]GameRevolution praised the game, particularly the charactercreation stating “Whomever you are, the world treats youaccordingly.”[33]but also criticised the graphics.[33]Game Informerrated the game as 63 out of 100, GamePro gave it 4 out of 5[9]and Mygamer awarded the game 8 out of 10.[40]

Windows 7 patch download location free. Gamespot gave the game a rating of 7.3 outof 10 calling it a “captivating and immersive role–playingexperience.”[25]and praising the setting as a “great concept.”[25]however they did cite its poor combat, lacklustre graphics andunintuitive interface as the main criticisms “there’s nothingflattering about the dated, washed–out, low–resolutiongraphics.”[25]The game currently holds an average review score of 79% based on 37reviews on GameRankings[9]and 81% based on 24 reviews on Metacritic.[10]


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Original Soundtrack
Soundtrack by Ben Houge
Released21 August 2001
RecordedStudio X, Seattle
ProducerBen Houge, Jeff Pobst


Composed by BenHouge, Arcanum's soundtrack features an unusual instrumentation by avoiding thepredominantly symphonic orchestration common to RPG soundtracks.Instead, it is scored almost entirely for string quartet. The songs follow theconventional RPG soundtrack format: short, impressionisticvignettes which are looped in–game, with each area using onlyone song, and an alternative song for combat. The soundtrack was produced by Ben Hougeand Jeff Pobst, with Leonid Keylin on first violin, Kathy Stern on second violin, VincentComer on viola, Susan Williamson cello, Evan Buehler on marimba and Ben Houge on djembe, rainstick and synthesiser.[41]

The soundtrack, composed by Ben Houge, was not commerciallyreleased but is available for free download.[42]The sheet music isalso provided.

Drog Black Tooth
Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura Original Soundtrack
'Arcanum' 2:37
'The Demise ofthe “Zepher”' 1:33
'Wilderness' 2:12
'Tarant' 2:07
'The TarantSewers' 2:13
'Caladon' 2:39
'CaladonCatacombs' 2:55
'Dungeons' 3:00
'Battle atVendigroth' 1:34
'Tulla' 3:11
'Towns' 2:01
'The Isle ofDespair' 2:27
'Mines' 2:41
'Cities' 2:20
'Radcliffe'sCommission' 1:35
'The VendigrothWastes' 3:05
'Villages' 2:46
'Qintarra' 1:56
'The Wheel Clan' 2:06
'The Void' 0:50
'Kerghan'sCastle' 2:25
'In Memoriam(bonus track)' 2:45

The track 'In Memoriam' was unused in the game itself and waslater released by Houge in an interview.[43]


  1. ^. http://www.mobygames.com/game/windows/arcanum-of-steamworks-magick-obscura/credits. Retrieved2006-10-16.
  2. ^. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/arcanumofsteamworksamo/news.html?sid=2810814. Retrieved2009-07-06.
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  5. ^ abcdefghIGN Staff (2001-08-24). 'Arcanum: Of Steamworks andMagick Obscura'. IGN. http://pc.ign.com/articles/163/163257p1.html. Retrieved2009-07-06.
  6. ^ abStaff (2001-08-22). 'Arcanum: Of Steamworks andMagick Obscura Reviews'. GameRankings. http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/914155-arcanum-of-steamworks-and-magick-obscura/articles.html. Retrieved2009-07-06.
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  8. ^ abJason (2001-08-24). 'Arcanum: Of Steamworks andMagick Obscura Review'. Greedy Productions Ltd.. http://www.elecplay.com/reviews_article.php?article=6534. Retrieved2009-07-06.
  9. ^ abcdGameRankings Staff (2001-08-22). 'GameRankings: Arcanum: OfSteamworks and Magick Obscura'. GameRankings. http://www.gamerankings.com/pc/914155-arcanum-of-steamworks-and-magick-obscura/index.html. Retrieved2009-07-06.
  10. ^ abcMetacritic Staff (2001-08-21). 'Metacritic: Arcanum: OfSteamworks and Magick Obscura'. Metacritic. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/arcanumofsteamworks. Retrieved2009-07-06.
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  24. ^ ab'The World of Arcanum'.gamebanshee.com. http://www.gamebanshee.com/arcanum/theworld.php#null. Retrieved2009-07-03.
  25. ^ abcdef'Gamespot review ofArcanum'. Gamespot.com. http://www.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/arcanumofsteamworksamo/review.html. Retrieved2009-07-02.
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