Civ5 Fall Patch Download Without Steam

Active6 years, 8 months ago
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  • Civilization® VI – The Official Site| News| Civilization.
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Civ5 Fall Patch Download Without Steam Games

Possible Duplicate:
Can I play Civ 5 without having Steam installed?

The Civilization VI: Rise and Fall expansion brings new choices, strategies, and challenges for players as they guide a civilization through the ages. The expansion introduces new Great Ages, Loyalty, and Governors systems, expands existing Diplomacy and Government systems, and adds eight new civilizations, nine new leaders, a variety of.

I purchased Civ5 Game of the Year Edition (physical CD) in June from Amazon - a seemingly brand new, unopened package. I was never successful in installing and opening the game, and the Valve/Steam system was beyond confusing (I had no idea that you'd have to do anything other than purchase the game and pop in the CD). For nearly 6 months, Valve/Steam reps have been entirely unhelpful and their most recent reply said they couldn't help me because the CD was previously purchased and the CD activation code had been registered in the past (explains the 'duplicate / error' message I received when trying to get the game going). As you can probably already tell, I'm a total novice when it comes to this kind of tech thing - although I'm a Civ vet... started with Civ1 around 1992 - so apologies if my rank amateur rambling is too much.As it stands right now, I have nothing to show for the $38.44 I spent to buy this game on Amazon... nothing except 6 very frustrating months.So, is there a workaround I can use (legal or otherwise)? Or anything else you could recommend? I have a MacBook Pro Mac OS X 10.7.5Thank you VERY MUCH for any help you can offer me! Like everyone else, I just want to get on to playing a favorite game!Thanks! - theo


marked as duplicate by Frank, DrFish, bwarner, MBraedley, JohnoBoyDec 1 '12 at 22:49

This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ask a new question.

2 Answers

Judging from Steam's policies, there's nothing you can do other than buying the game again.

Even if you got the 'duplicate cd key' message in error, the way to remedy that is to contact Valve within 90 days of your purchase for a 'reset cd key' process. Since more than 90 days have passed, there's not much you can do now. I mean you can always contact them directly and ask for help, but that didn't seem to work out for you so far.

Alternatively, you can complain to the store that originally sold you the game and demand a refund or a new copy. That has nothing to do with Steam, though, it will be between you and that store.

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It won't do a thing for your sunk cost, but, since you have a Mac, you can simply circumvent Steam entirely by buying the game from the Mac App Store.

The MAS version does have several serious limitations compared to the Steam edition: no multiplayer, no mods, reduced availability of DLC/expansion content, it won't run on Windows, and of course, you need to buy the game again, but if you're truly fed up with Steam support, it is an alternative available to you.

Civ5 fall patch download without steam

Civ5 Fall Patch Download Without Steam Free

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@Timmeey86 & @Azurency sorry for the false report then, i checked DebugLocalization.sqlite and LOC_GOSSIP_SOURCE_DELEGATE is indeed empty for en_US only. That would also explain why i occasionally had missing localization (such as on the change policy reminder popup) and maybe why i had some German text occasionally show up with the previous version (i considered it a minor glitch).

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Took me some time to find something wrong. I had a 'ghost' of an old chaorace CQUI (UUID : 03B8BDDE-DEAD-BEEF-9540-26E685E3156E) in the content browser inside Civ6 but couldn't find it in either mod folders (workshop or regular) and kept it disabled. Following it's tracks in Mods.sqlite i finally found it inside my dlc folder. Turns out i tried to get it working as a DLC like EUI did in Civ5 in order to be able to use it with saved games created without CQUI (before the AffectsSavedGames tag was introduced/discovered) and then forgot it was there.

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Unfortunately that didn't solve the issue. LOC_GOSSIP_SOURCE_DELEGATE is still empty and the t77 save still locks with no UI. I already verified my files with Steam. I'll try a full uninstall and reinstall.
Didn't have to reinstall in the end. I deleted the entire BaseAssetsText folder from my Civ6 directory and validated again. This time Steam noticed something was wrong and downloaded the correct files. Looks like Steam validation doesn't always work (at least for localization files), might be useful to spread the word.